Pine Bluff Animal Hospital


Pine Bluff Animal Hospital works closely with Great Dane breeders, handlers and rescue organizations, providing a unique opportunity to treat a great deal of torsion cases as well as perform a large number of preventive gastropexy procedures. Dr. Brian Schmidt is highly experienced in laparoscopically assisted gastropexy, a minimally invasive technique to prevent torsion in at-risk breeds. Lucky for you, his expertise is not far from home!

Laparoscopically Assisted Gastropexy

Since performing his first laparoscopic assisted gastropexy in January 2005, Dr. Schmidt has successfully performed over 1400 procedures! What used to require an open abdominal procedure, now requires a minor 1-1.5” long incision. This promotes a speedier recovery, shorter hospitalization, less chance of infection and significantly less pain. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and in most cases, patients are able to go home the same day to recover in the comfort of their own home.

Dr. Schmidt offers clients and at-risk dogs protection and peace-of-mind. Treatment at specialty practices tends to be costly, however, as a general practitioner with extraordinary experience performing gastropexy surgery, Dr. Schmidt provides his patients with the same high-quality and preventive results. Although torsion does not affect every large, deep-chested dog, when it does, it is an acute and deadly condition that if not treated in time usually results in death. For this reason, we highly recommend this procedure to all of our at-risk patients as a preventive measure.

How Can I Protect My Dog?

Gastropexy surgery is the safest and most effective method to prevent torsion and save a dog’s life! This procedure involves tacking the stomach to the abdominal wall to prevent torsion, or twisting and flipping. Most commonly affecting deep-chested and larger breed dogs, Great Danes are most at risk. Still, even smaller dogs may be affected due to various factors such as anatomy, environment and care.

You can lessen your dog’s risk by monitoring how much and how quickly they eat. If your dog eats one meal a day consuming food rapidly, there is a greater risk of torsion. However, even if you feed your dog a healthful diet, in proper portions and frequency, and control post-eating activity, torsion can still occur. While dogs who have this procedure may still experience gastric dilation due to overconsumption, the procedure effectively prevents the dangerous effects of torsion.

Join the Pine Bluff Animal Hospital Family Today!

On the corner of Pine Bluff Road and County Rd 8000 E. Across the intersection from Dresden Cooling Lake.

Phone: 815-942-5365

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