Our team has experience in a variety of disorders that effect the skin, ears, hair, and nails. We also have expertise in the treatment of allergies and immunology to address conditions such as allergic induced skin conditions, skin cancer, parasitic infections, chronic ear infections, autoimmune diseases, endocrine disease, and peri-anal furunculosis.
Your pet can have an allergic reaction to substances they breathe, eat, and touch. Common signs of an allergic reaction include scratching, chewing, ear infections, hot spots, vomiting, and diarrhea. By being aware of the symptoms and seasons, you can help alleviate the discomfort of allergic reactions in your pet.
We test for allergens by collecting a blood sample, which pinpoints the substance your pet is having a reaction to. It is not uncommon for pets to be allergic to more than one substance. Still, if one allergen is controlled, the other will likely subside.
On the corner of Pine Bluff Road and County Rd 8000 E. Across the intersection from Dresden Cooling Lake.
Phone: 815-942-5365